Institutional visit between two counterpart agencies in Italy and Albania 

On 21 June, Ifoa organized an institutional visit between two counterpart agencies from Italy and Albania with the aim of exchanging working methods and tools for the governance and management of European programs financed by the Erasmus+ programme.
As part of the European Erasmus+ project “MoMaVET”, an institutional visit took place between the senior officials for Professional Training of INAPP, the Italian National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program for the Education and training sector and the NAVETQ, the National Agency for Vocational, Education Training and Qualification, in order to promote the sharing of experiences and future collaborations.
The institutional visit aimed to present INAPP, its mission, internal organization and transnational activities, with particular focus on mobility financed by the Erasmus+ KA1 programme. During the meeting, topics of great interest to the participants were touched upon, including financed mobility in the VET sector, the national VET system and the accreditation of training structures. Furthermore, the Atlas of Work and Qualifications was presented, i.e. a detailed map of work and qualifications. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and tools between the two agencies, in order to improve the management of Erasmus+ programs and encourage the mobility of young students in European countries. Ifoa plays the role of lead partner for the European MoMaVET project, which aims to increase the capacity of Albanian Vocational Education and Training schools and governance to develop and implement internationalization strategies, through learning mobility. Furthermore, it aims to prepare the countries involved (Italy and Greece) to host students from Albania in the future. The organization of institutional visits such as the one between INAPP and NAVETQ represents a further step towards achieving this objective.  

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