The aim of the research is to assess the readiness of vocational schools for the mobility of students and teachers involves evaluating various aspects to ensure a successful and smooth exchange program. The methodological approach of this assignment, includes the evaluation of the school's commitment to internationalization and the support it provides to participants, evaluation the language proficiency of both students and teachers, checking if the schools have mechanisms for evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of mobility programs taking into consideration the school's approach to cultural sensitivity and diversity.
Report "On the assessment of mobility needs in vet schools within the framework of the MoMaVET project"The personal and professional well-being and development of the European citizens is one of the core objectives and strategies of the European Union. Internationalization and, particularly mobility, strategies within educational institutes are the key mechanisms that permit people across Europe and beyond to meet and learn from each other. Traditionally linked with higher education, Erasmus+ mobility projects have been expanded to the Vocational Education and Training sector, gaining more and more ground as a percentage out of the total number of mobility projects organized in all subsectors. Particularly important for European countries in an accession process, mobility projects are highly beneficial for VET learners and staff in Albania.
Definition of the Competence Set for the Albanian VET Mobility Manager